
Archive for August, 2011

My Seoul, my soul!

August 6, 2011 Leave a comment

A new series of life exploration once again soon to be added on my bucket list. A travel experience to see,hear and explore the beauty of Seoul, South Korea. On 21-22 this month. Adrian (my travel buddy) and I are planning to visit this cool city. After months of delays and our visa is about to expire. Finally we got the confirmed dates of travel.

This is my first time to travel Korea. And he*l no way I knew a single details about this place. So I start from googling as I say. Came up with a travel plan, my first time ever to create one. As I normally travel un planned. Set up some budget and getting to know about the city’s culture and way of living. Apparently although Seoul is expensive, the good thing about working in UAE is that the currency is quite competitive in which, adjustment to some expences to other countries will not get us hurt that much.

Getting back to my travel planning. I downloaded a new app from “apple app store” for iPad.A travel organizer. And I find it so cool and easy to start up a plan trip of travels. It is such a gesture to plann everything on this app. From hotel booking, time management, websites list,check list and even maps. Right at your page.


So after listing all the necessary do’s and dont’s of my plan travel to Korea. I am now ready to be there.Time will tell, and experience will yell, a picture will say about my journey to these place.

This for now at the moment. Guided tots and detailed exploration will be post on stream when I arrived there.

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